
The COVID-19 effect: The pandemic and global infrastructure, an update
JANUARY 31, 2021

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The COVID-19 effect: The pandemic and global infrastructure, an update

by Denise DeChaine

In January of 2020, no one expected or could even fathom the situation we are in today. In September 2020, when part one to this two-part series published, Julio Garcia, head of infrastructure – North America at IFM Investors, reminded us that many infrastructure assets are essential to the well-being of the communities they serve, and their services are difficult to replicate or to substitute, stating at the time, “While short-term resilience will vary by subsector, I expect a well-diversified infrastructure portfolio will demonstrate solid resilience during this period.”


Garcia is still stating the same facts some five months later and is still focused on the transportation sector, as it has a major impact globally.

“A well-diversified infrastructure portfolio should be holding up well,” says Garcia. “As the pandemic has led to restrictions on the movement of people, airports and roads used primarily for the

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