
Connecticut mulls data center, infrastructure investments
Investors - SEPTEMBER 16, 2022

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Connecticut mulls data center, infrastructure investments

by Kali Persall

The Connecticut Retirement Plans and Trust Funds (CRPTF) is considering several investments on behalf of its real assets allocation.

The funds up for consideration are IPI Partners Fund III, a data center managed by IPI Partners, and IFM Global Infrastructure Fund, an evergreen infrastructure fund managed by IFM Investors.

IPI Partners Fund III acquires, develops, leases and operates data centers and related assets that serve the digital capacity needs of large, high-quality technology companies globally. The fund is targeting a mixture of stabilized assets, as well as some build-to-suit development projects primarily in the United States.

IFM Global Infrastructure Fund will invest in the energy, social infrastructure, transport, and water and wastewater sectors. Pitchbook reports the fund invests between $750 million and $2 billion per transaction.

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