
Investors - JUNE 15, 2022

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bp to lead and operate one of the world’s largest renewables and green-hydrogen energy hubs based in Western Australia

by Andrea Zander

bp has agreed to acquire a 40.5 percent equity stake in, and to become operator of, the Asian Renewable Energy Hub (AREH), which has the potential to be one of the largest renewables and green-hydrogen hubs in the world. Based on the development of world-scale renewable-power generation, AREH, in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, intends to supply renewable power to local customers in the largest mining region in the world and also produce green hydrogen and green ammonia for the domestic Australian market and to export to major international users.

AREH has plans to develop onshore wind and solar-power generation in multiple phases to a total generating capacity of up to 26 gigawatts (GW) — the equivalent of producing more than 90 terawatt hours per year, which is around one-third of all electricity generated in Australia in 2020.

At full capacity, AREH is expected to be capable of producing around 1.6 million tonnes of green hydrogen or 9 million tonnes of

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