
Distributed solar in Brazil: With triple-digit annual growth, is Brazil a top-tier investment market for distributed solar?
- January 1, 2020: Vol. 13, Number 1

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Distributed solar in Brazil: With triple-digit annual growth, is Brazil a top-tier investment market for distributed solar?

by Rodrigo Barfield

“Apressado come cru.” (The one in a hurry will have a raw meal.)

“Brazil is the country of the future ... and always will be” is an elegant, but tired, quip that sums up persistent foreign timidity toward investment opportunities in Brazil. Since Brazil’s most recent economic crisis in 2014, the headlines regarding the country’s economy have been less than stellar. But 2014 also marked the first year of a historical, committed corruption investigation that has already yielded multiple high-level arrests and prosecutions. Known as operation Lava Jato (“Car Wash”), the successful, ongoing investigation — despite some judicial controversies — is evidence that Brazil’s democratic institutions are free and functioning. And, in the past 12 months, the central bank of Brazil dropped its benchmark interest rate to a historic low, inflation dropped below 4 percent and is forecasted to go lower, and, after many years of trying, landmark pension

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