
- February 1, 2016: Vol. 10, Number 02

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Into the regions: Investors are thinking more outside the top-tier city box

by James Buckley

Around €55 billion was invested in commercial property across European real estate markets in the third quarter of 2015, according to Savills, taking the total turnover since the start of last year to €157.5 billion and representing a 20 percent increase on the same point in 2014.

But while, in the main, investors continue to favour core markets within the United Kingdom, Germany and France, which still account for 67.8 percent of total volume, the share of peripheral markets is rising.

In addition to lower levels of competition for assets, regional cities offer diversification that complements top-tier European cities, delivering more stable performance through the cycles with less volatility in rents. Furthermore, the ability of a portfolio to absorb market shock is increased when an allocation is directed at regional cities.

The average prime CBD office yield across Europe dropped to 4.6 percent in Q2 2015, below the previous 10-year low of 4.7 percent in

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