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Tell me sweet little lies: Some uncomfortable truths for the real estate industry
I recently watched the mini-series Chernobyl and subsequently picked up The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn to study the Soviet era further. The cinematic interpretation of how a society built on lying can lead to near-apocalyptic tragedy was eye-opening. It wasn’t Stalin or Lenin alone who created and upheld the Soviet system; rather, it was the citizenry that accepted their lies and then continued with their own lies. This enabled tyranny, which suppressed the truth and eventually led to tragedies such as the disaster at the nuclear power plant in Chornobyl (the Ukrainian spelling). Scientists couldn’t question. “Truth” was dictated by the government. The “party,” not ability or merit, was favored. On and on, the lies went on until a nuclear reactor melted down.
What does this have to do with real estate or infrastructure? During my own post-Chernobyl self-evaluation seeking lies and half-truths, that I accept or t
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