
Breaking through: Communication is key for building LP-GP relationships
- June 1, 2019: Vol. 31, Number 6

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Breaking through: Communication is key for building LP-GP relationships

by Loretta Clodfelter

Getting to Ojai, Calif., a small town in the mountains above Santa Barbara, involves a number of twists and turns on a winding highway. But it is that distance and relative seclusion that allowed members of Institutional Real Estate Americas’ Editorial Advisory Board to set aside the daily grind and forge deeper connections at the most recent board meeting, held April 9–11 at the Ojai Valley Inn.

The Editorial Advisory Board comprises a mix of capital providers and investment managers, allowing a balanced view of the institutional real estate marketplace. The following is only a small sampling of the conversations shared at the April meeting (for more on the topics covered, see “Food for thought”).

Limited partners were asked about communication with general partners, and whethe

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