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Sign in Sign up for a FREE subscriptionWashington State’s CTF posts net 5.24 percent return for the fiscal year
The $155.7 billion commingled trust fund (CTF) overseen by the Washington State Investment Board (WSIB) posted a net return of 5.24 percent for the fiscal year that ended on June 30, below its 11.31 percent benchmark.
Over the past three, five and 10 years, WSIB has generated net annualized returns of 12.59 percent, 9.91 percent and 9.72 percent, respectively, for the CTF, each outperforming their respective benchmarks of 6.71 percent, 6.04 percent and 6.88 percent.
21 percent ($32.7 billion) of WSIB’s CTF is allocated toward real estate; those investments generated a return of 5.31 percent for the fiscal year, above the asset class’s -1.63 percent benchmark (NCREIF, lagged one quarter).
Over the past three, five and 10 years, WSIB’s CTF real estate investments have generated net annualized returns of 18.85 percent, 14.52 percent and 13.52 percent, respectively, each outperforming their benchmarks of 7.15 percent, 6.71 percent and 8.34 percent.