
UBS: Politics will influence investments in 2020
Infrastructure - JANUARY 14, 2020

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UBS: Politics will influence investments in 2020

by Kali Persall

UBS-AM Real Estate & Private Markets has released its Infrastructure Outlook: Top Trends for 2020 research report, which identifies market trends that are driving investors’ allocation decisions.

UBS predicts that as the 2020 election nears, government infrastructure spending is likely to become a major topic of discussion in the United States. Several other major sectors have begun to punctuate political spiels, including oil & gas, renewables, telecommunications, energy storage, electric vehicle infrastructure, and smart meters & grids. Meanwhile, Europe will see ESG, digital infrastructure, electric vehicles, telecommunications become more prominent. Like the United States, investments in Europe are expected to be influenced by political factors.

According to the report, a unifying trend across Europe and North America was a growing interest in combating climate change, hinting at more investments in low carbon infrastructure in the months to

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