
Storage Units Income Fund II increases additional preferred return
Other - MAY 30, 2024

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Storage Units Income Fund II increases additional preferred return

by Released

Storage Units Capital, a self-storage real estate investment firm, announced today that Storage Units Income Fund II, LLC has increased the additional preferred return to 5 percent for investments made on or after May 1, 2024. Additionally, the fund has lowered the ongoing management, acquisition, disposition and advisory fees by a total of 5 percent.

“Self-storage has been among the strongest commercial real estate performers for more than 20 years,” said Sean Casterline, channel marketing director for Storage Units Capital. “These changes further align interests and reflect confidence in our ability to deliver compelling investment outcomes.”

The fund’s existing 10 percent annualized preferred return that is paid quarterly is unchanged. The 5 percent annualized additional preferred return is paid upon a property liquidity event.

Storage Units Income Fund II seeks to raise $25 million in equity from accredited investors and intends to utilize the proc

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