
Investors - OCTOBER 6, 2017

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Stanford endowment returns 13.1% for fiscal year

by Jody Barhanovich

Stanford Management Co. generated a 13.1 percent net investment return for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, according to a news release from Stanford University.

“We are pleased to report $3.2 billion of investment gains for the year,” said Robert Wallace, CEO of Stanford Management Co. “Although comprising only a quarter of the total portfolio, public equity holdings led our result with very strong absolute and relative performance.”

The broad universe of U.S. colleges and universities generated a median 12.9 percent return for the same period, according to preliminary data tracked by Cambridge Associates.

For the past five and 10 years, respectively, Stanford generated a 9.5 percent and 5.8 percent annualized net return, compared to the 7.9 percent and 4.4 percent annualized median returns for colleges and universities over the same time periods.

In additional news, the value of the university’s endowment itself was $24.8 billion on Aug.

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