
Transactions - SEPTEMBER 16, 2022

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Slate Asset Management launches renewable energy partnership with Roswall Development

by Kali Persall

Slate Asset Management has acquired a significant minority stake in Roswall Development Inc., a fully integrated Canadian renewable-energy company, kicking off a strategic partnership between the two companies.

Roswall is an experienced developer of renewable-energy projects offering complete energy solutions for infrastructure, industries and communities in partnership with private and public enterprises. The company’s full suite of services includes consulting, strategic planning, design-build installations, development, financing and operations of renewables projects. Having been active in the renewable-energy industry for more than15 years, Roswall has successfully developed, constructed and operated C$150 million ($114 million) of wind, solar and retrofit projects across North America.

The partnership with Slate will help fund future renewables projects developed by Roswall, which has a significant and actionable pipeline of wind-development opportunities that w

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