
Research - OCTOBER 14, 2021

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Report finds new-energy economy not emerging fast enough to reach net-zero by 2050

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A new-energy economy is emerging around the world, as solar, wind, electric vehicles and other low-carbon technologies flourish. But as the pivotal moment of COP26 approaches, the IEA’s new World Energy Outlook makes it clear that this clean-energy progress is still far too slow to put global emissions into sustained decline toward net-zero, highlighting the need for an unmistakable signal of ambition and action from governments in Glasgow, Scotland.

At a time when policy makers are contending with the impacts of both climate change and volatile energy markets, the World Energy Outlook 2021 (WEO-2021) is designed as a handbook for the COP26 Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, which offers a critical opportunity to accelerate climate action and the clean-energy transition. The new analysis delivers stark warnings about the direction in which today’s policy settings are taking the world.

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