Peregrine Energy Solutions, a U.S. clean energy platform, has entered into an agreement with Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corp. (SNGRDC) to expand its utility-scale energy portfolio in the Canadian market.
Peregrine seeks to source, develop, build and manage standalone battery-energy storage and renewable-energy assets across North America. The company already has secured a 7-gigawatt pipeline in the United States across multiple markets.
SNGRDC is the investment and development arm of Canada’s most populated First Nations community, which aims to achieve economic self-sufficiency without compromising the values of the Six Nations Community. Peregrine will develop and manage the projects along with consultation, advice and investment from the SNGRDC.
“Battery investment in and around our community advances our nation’s focus on supporting the clean-energy transition and will also generate value for our future members,” said Matt Jamieson, p