The NCREIF Fund Index – Open‐end Diversified Core Equity (NFI-ODCE) consists of 27 funds totaling $280.3 billion of gross real estate assets and $233.5 billion of net real estate assets, reported The National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF).
NFI-ODCE total return gross of fees for the second quarter 2021 was 3.93 percent, up from 2.11 percent in the previous quarter, and from –1.56 percent a year ago in second quarter 2020. The income return was 0.99 percent, up slightly from 0.98 percent in the previous quarter, and from 0.91 percent in second quarter 2020. The appreciation return was 2.94 percent for the quarter, above the previous quarter’s 1.12 percent, and up significantly from 2020 second quarter’s –2.46 percent.
To read the full report, click here.