
New York’s first state-owned utility-scale battery energy storage operational
Transactions - AUGUST 31, 2023

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New York’s first state-owned utility-scale battery energy storage operational

by Released

New York’s first state-owned utility-scale battery energy storage project is now operating in the North Country’s Franklin County.

The 20-megawatt facility installed and operated by the New York Power Authority connects into the state’s electric grid, helping to relieve transmission congestion and pave the way for the utility industry and the private sector to better understand how to integrate more clean energy into the power system, especially during times of peak demand. The Northern New York Energy Storage Project will serve as a model for future storage systems and create a more reliable and resilient power supply in a region heavily powered by renewable energy. The project also will help accelerate the state’s aggressive target to install 6,000 megawatts of energy storage by 2030.

The project, located in Chateaugay, N.Y., about 40 miles northwest of Plattsburgh, N.Y., is the Power Authority’s first utility-scale battery project and the first one built b

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