
Investors - JUNE 3, 2024

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New Mexico SIC approves $489m of infrastructure commitments

by Lewis Dayton

The New Mexico State Investment Council (NM SIC) has committed €220 million ($238.5 million) to Antin Infrastructure Fund V and $250 million to Ardian Infrastructure Fund VI, confirmed Charles Wollmann, director of communications, legislative and client relations at NM SIC.

Antin Infrastructure Fund V is managed by Antin, a leading European-based infrastructure manager with roughly €20 billion ($21.7 billion) in infrastructure assets.

The fund will invest with a value-added strategy primarily in brownfield investments, with potential for greenfield development allocations on an opportunistic basis.

Antin Infrastructure Fund V will invest in various infrastructure sectors, including in the energy and environment (such as power and renewable generation, liquified natural gas and water infrastructure), telecom (such as fiber networks and data centers), transportation (such as highways, ports, rails and airports) and social (such as diagnostic laboratories, educ

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