
Illinois FPIF commits $80m to two infrastructure funds
Investors - JANUARY 13, 2025

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Illinois FPIF commits $80m to two infrastructure funds

by Elise Mackanych

The Illinois Firefighters’ Pension Investment Fund (FPIF) has committed a total of $80 million to two infrastructure funds: Global Infrastructure Partners V and Stonepeak Infrastructure Fund V. These commitments were made on Dec. 20, 2024, according to FPIF’s investment news.

Global Infrastructure Partners V, a vehicle of Global Infrastructure Partners, received $40 million. It is a core and core-plus closed-end fund that targets infrastructure assets that include energy, transportation and water/waste sectors in the United States. It has a fundraising goal of $25 billion. Its predecessor, Global Infrastructure Partners IV, closed with equity commitments of $22 billion, $2 billion over its fundraising goal.

Stonepeak Infrastructure Fund V is a Stonepeak program and received $40 million in funding. It is a core-plus fund, investing in data centers, ports, transportation and utilities in the United States. This fund has a maximum size of $20 billion. Stonepeak Infras

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