The Alabama Department of Transportation has stated that four teams have submitted statements of qualifications in response to the request for qualifications for delivering the I-10 Mobile River Bridge and Bayway widening project, a 12-mile project that will increase capacity along the Interstate 10 corridor in South Alabama.
The four teams include I-10 Mobility Group, Gulf Coast Connectors, Mobile Bay Link and Mobile River Bridge Group.
ALDOT issued the RFQ for the MRB project on Sept. 22, 2017, and the deadline for response was Nov. 17, 2017.
The proposed project has three major components: a new, aesthetically pleasing cable-stayed bridge over the Mobile River, replacement of the existing Bayway and five interchange modifications. The Mobile River Bridge will be a six-lane facility with a minimum vertical clearance of 215 feet over the Mobile River to assure the viability of Mobile’s maritime industry. The reconstructed Bayway provides eight lanes of travel for 7.5 miles and will be built to an elevation above the 100-year storm surge level. The interchange modifications will assure safe and easy access to the Interstate and surrounding infrastructure.
ALDOT will review the SOQ responses to determine which teams will advance to the Request for Proposal (RFP) process of the project. Release of both a short list of selected proposers and the draft RFP is set for early 2018.