
Research - JULY 29, 2024

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European real estate investment volumes in first half of year up 10% on 2023

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Investment into European real estate reached €86.5 billion ($93.6 billion) in first half 2024, up 10 percent on first half 2023, according to CBRE. Investment in second quarter was also up 16 percent on second quarter 2023, reaching €45.5 billion ($49.2 billion). While second-quarter volumes remain modest compared to the 10-year average of €71.7billion ($77.6 billion), this uptick in activity marks a significant shift in market trends.

All major sectors saw an increase in investment activity when compared with the first half of 2023, led by the Hotels and Living sectors. Hotels had its strongest quarter since fourth quarter 2021, with investment reaching €5.4 billion ($5.8 billion) in second quarter. For the first half of the year, Hotels volumes rose 62 percent to €9.9 billion ($10.7 billion), while the Living sector saw volumes increase 6 percent to €18.3 billion ($19.8 billion) .

Office edged out Living for the first half’s most active sector, with in

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