The European elderly care property investment market remained buoyant despite the challenges posed by COVID-19, as investors remained confident in the long-term opportunities presented by the elderly care market with €7.2 billion ($8.8 billion) of transactions in 2020, according to Knight Frank.
This comes as the number of Europeans over the age of 65 is projected to grow by 50 percent within the next 30 years, from 100 million at present to 150 million. This is anticipated to drive demand for elderly care beds, particularly for full-time nursing care delivered in specialized facilities. Investors seized upon this trend, as well as the increasing consolidation of European markets which has taken place over the past decade, to invest a record €8 billion ($9.7 billion) in elderly care and senior living in the four quarters to March 2020.
Given these demographic and market factors, an increasingly wide array of investors is seeking out the opportunities presented by e