
Fundraising - MAY 22, 2014

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Energy & Minerals raises more than $3b for third fund

by Andrea Waitrovich

Energy & Minerals Group has been marketing a third fund to invest globally in the oil, gas, iron ore and coal mining sectors. Energy & Minerals Group Fund III has a $4 billion fundraising hard cap target, an increase from its original $3.5 billion target. It launched in 2013.

According to documents by Pennsylvania Public School Employees’ Retirement System dated April 10, 2014, the value-added fund has raised more than $3 billion. Recent investors include the Oregon Investment Council, Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association, San Diego County Employees Retirement Association and PSERS.

Energy & Minerals Group utilizes an investment strategy that emphasizes “three-dimensional” diversity by geography, commodity and business function, providing the firm the ability

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