
Investors - JANUARY 2, 2020

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CalSTRS unveils climate risk management report

by Kali Persall

The California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) has released its latest Green Initiative Task Force report, outlining the $248 billion pension fund’s integration of climate-related risks into its investment management process. The report also contains the results of a portfolio carbon emissions exposure analysis.

“CalSTRS recognizes that the low-carbon transition impacts the performance of our investment portfolio across all companies, sectors, regions and asset classes,” said Harry Keiley, chair of the investment committee, in a statement.

The report was authored in response to Senate Bill 964, which was authored by California Gov. Jerry Brown in 2018, to require reporting and analysis of climate-related financial risk.

CalSTRS established the Green Initiative Task Force, known as the “Green Team” in 2007 to identify, analyze and propose investment opportunities and risk-control strategies addressing climate change. The task force conside

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