
Brookfield invests more than $1b in Infinium’s eFuels platform
Investors - SEPTEMBER 13, 2024

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Brookfield invests more than $1b in Infinium’s eFuels platform

by Kali Persall

Brookfield Asset Management has forged a strategic funding partnership with Infinium, the world’s first producer of commercially available ultra-low carbon eFuels, to accelerate the growth of Infinium’s eFuels platform.

Brookfield has committed to invest more than $200 million in Infinium and the company’s Project Roadrunner, which is under development in West Texas, and up to an additional $850 million for deployment of other Infinium eFuels projects globally. The investment will be made by the first vintage of the Brookfield Global Transition Fund (BGTF I), which held its final closing in June 2022 with $15 billion of capital commitments, and represents Brookfield’s first direct investment in sustainable aviation fuel.

Infinium eSAF is the newest generation of sustainable aviation fuel, produced through a proprietary process that co

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