
BlackRock launches new technology platform for asset managers
Investors - OCTOBER 9, 2024

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BlackRock launches new technology platform for asset managers

by Kali Persall

BlackRock has launched eFront Provider, a new fund-servicing technology platform designed to offer asset managers a modern fund-servicing experience, which includes real-time views into their clients’ private markets investor, fund and investment data.

eFront Provider complements BlackRock’s widely used fund administration, investor servicing and data management capabilities for private markets asset servicers and expands BlackRock’s Aladdin technology platform in private markets.

Asset managers and asset servicers have faced technology and data challenges when collaborating across different participants within the private markets ecosystem. Legacy private markets systems are often characterized by manual processes, which can lead to inefficiencies and delays when exchanging information.

eFront Provider was created with a view to solve these challenges. The innovative solution enables asset servicers to collaborate efficiently and effectively, reduce opera

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