
Aware Super co-invests $50m in Galway Sustainable Capital alongside Macquarie
Investors - FEBRUARY 26, 2024

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Aware Super co-invests $50m in Galway Sustainable Capital alongside Macquarie

by Kali Persall

Aware Super is co-investing $50 million in Galway Sustainable Capital (GSC), a specialist infrastructure financier, alongside Macquarie Asset Management (MAM).

Aware's private equity team will co-invest in GSC, in which MAM’s Green Investment Group invested $250 million in June 2023.

GSC works with innovative companies, experienced development partners and business leaders to match the size of its investment to the scale of demand, from corporate equity to project financing, according to the company’s website. Its focus is on accelerating the deployment of sustainable solutions into the marketplace and filling the capital void for early commercialization and deployment.

Key investment themes are renewable energy, energy efficiency and green buildings, goods and services, sustainable agriculture/land/water, carbon markets and transportation. Since 2020, G

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