
Investors - SEPTEMBER 14, 2023

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AECOM chosen as lead designer for I-35 Northeast Expansion South Project in Texas

by Released

Infrastructure consulting firm AECOM was selected as lead designer for the Lone Star Constructors joint venture, which has been selected by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to manage the design, delivery and maintenance of the Interstate 35 Northeast Expansion (NEX) South Project in Bexar County, Texas.

The project consists of four miles of non-tolled improvements along I-35 from I-410 South to I-410 North that will help relieve congestion along the corridor while improving safety, accessibility and operational efficiency.

AECOM will design and deliver three elevated express lanes along I-35 in each direction, consisting of two elevated general-purpose lanes and one HOV lane. Work will include direct connectors at the I-410 South interchange and connection to elevated lanes and direct connectors at the I-410 North interchange, now under construction.

The I-35 NEX South Project is the second phase of the larger three-part I-35 NEX project that will

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